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  • sutra study (includes heart sutra)


recent books

  • record of LINJI
  • zen illustrated - SOTO zen
  • zen reader


  1. The Wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism10
  2. non-duality illustrated11
  3. As it Is Vol 27
  4. As it Is Vol 1 20216
  5. Vajra Speech 5
  6. Fathoming the Mind 4
  7. Stilling the Mind 3
  8. Turning Confusion into Clarity 20182
  9. Zen Flesh Zen Bones 19861
  10. heart of the buddhas teaching - thich
  11. fear - thich
  12. essentials: how to... sit walk eat live relax focus fight, etc.
  13. zen mind beginners mind

someday list

  1. stream entry - thannisaro
  2. The Vajra Essence 9
  3. Buddhahood Without Meditation 9
  4. Heart of the Great Perfection 9
  5. Open Mind 8
  6. The Four Immeasurables
  7. Genuine Hapiness

In 2020 I started an ebook server and building a library there as well as physical books on Buddhism and many other projects

I have some messy notes to clean up that I'll be putting here soon detailing each book and how I use them every moment / daily