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Arrangement Technique Description
Introduction A musical section that sets the tone for the piece and introduces the main musical ideas
Verse/Chorus Structure A common song form that alternates between verses and choruses
Bridge A musical section that provides contrast to the verse and chorus sections and often leads back to the chorus
Pre-Chorus A musical section that builds tension and anticipation before the chorus
Instrumentation The choice and use of different instruments and sounds to create a specific musical texture and effect
Dynamics The variation of loudness and softness in a musical piece, often used to create tension and release
Tempo Changes The variation of tempo throughout a musical piece, often used to create contrast and interest
Interlude A short musical section that provides a break or transition between larger sections
Breakdown A musical section that reduces the musical texture to its essential elements, often used to create tension before a climax
Outro A musical section that brings the piece to a close and provides a sense of resolution