- unsorted random quotes
hard to see the forest for the trees
Our expectations are irrelevant to the realities we are facing
There is no single real nature to anything
spontaneously engage with the world in ways that implicate no sense of self
Metta you’re expressing the wish that they take responsibility for their happiness themselves
no inherent reality can ever be found in anything, no matter where we look
Awareness of awareness is an endless recursive function, when you looks for your mind you spawn another process, and you can spawn another to monitor that one, on and on… but there is no meditator or mind other than the ones being fabricated, evidenced by the fact people can lose their memory of who they were and still continue a conversation when the memories of “the self” fade
There is no self , who is meditating? Let go even of meditation and a meditator
Many of the world’s problems are born from our attempts to justify and defend this imaginary, separate self
relentless change, is constant in our world clinging to a self in all our vague and transitory thoughts, which are brought about by fleeting causes and conditions, we experience the delusion of saṃsāric existence
The enlightened state of a buddha perceives everything in all directions at the same moment and in a completely unobstructed fashion. The Dharma teachings are an expression arising from this state, and are totally free from any falsehood or pretense.
repeatedly relax loosely in nondual awareness
Your job is to be a good manager: find ways to take advantage of the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses. And find ways to use your emotions to engage with the problem, without letting your reactions interfere with your ability to work effectively.
Excerpt From Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Our expectations are irrelevant to the realities we are facing
There is no single real nature to anything
spontaneously engage with the world in ways that implicate no sense of self
Metta you’re expressing the wish that they take responsibility for their happiness themselves
no inherent reality can ever be found in anything, no matter where we look
Awareness of awareness is an endless recursive function, when you “look” for your mind you spawn another process, and you can spawn another to monitor that one, on and on… but there is no meditator or mind other than the ones being fabricated, evidenced by the fact people can lose their memory of who they were and still continue a conversation when the memories of “the self” fade
There is no self , who is meditating? Let go even of meditation and a meditator
Many of the world’s problems are born from our attempts to justify and defend this imaginary, separate self
relentless change, is constant in our world
Your job is to be a good manager: find ways to take advantage of the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses. And find ways to use your emotions to engage with the problem, without letting your reactions interfere with your ability to work effectively.