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  • i have a django site here that i tinker with
  • see youtube link bottom of page
  • I have some django screencasts
  • use it for websites, front or back end
  • django is a huge time saver
  • has a bunch of stuff built in
  • todo: put my django click app here
# django
alias dr='python runserver 8000'
alias vvv='virtualevn venv'
alias vv='source venv/bin/activate'
alias vf='pip install --editable .'
alias vr='pip install -r requirements.txt'
alias lt='ls --human-readable --size -1 -S --classify'
python runserver
python makemigrations
python migrate
python migrate --run-syncdb


  • pythonanywhere is free and works with a sqlite db
  • if you want postgres you can use supabase for free
  • pythonanywhere does not allow connecting to supabase unless you pay
  • this was an annoying waste of time just to determine what the errors meant
  • I had to dig into their forums to find a user that explained you have to pay to enable it
  • side note about python anywhere: fastapi requires asgi & they only provide wsgi
  • I've tried a few other ways to host django
  • google cloud run
  • aws
  • linode & openlitespeed
  • python anywhere is the only one I stuck with