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Usage: bujo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  bullet journaling & todocli

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  day        week
  dayfolder  create subfolder with named todays date
  edit       edit plugin
  folder     create bujo folder
  future     bujo index file
  index      bujo index file
  m          mkdocs serve
  month      month file
  read       read a bujo/ file
  remote     jobs on remotive
  s          start dev server
  snip       open snippet maker
  todo       generic todo
  week       week
  ww         weather
  year       week
  zl         markdownlint

command line

the command line is superior to the gui because it is more efficient, powerful, flexible, and versatile.

  • efficiency: the command line does not have to render graphical elements, which makes it much faster than the gui.
  • power: the command line gives users direct access to the underlying operating system and applications, which allows them to perform a wider range of tasks.
  • flexibility: the command line can be used to interact with a wider range of systems and applications than the gui.
  • versatility: the command line can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from system administration to software development.
  • stability command line api interfaces are rarely broken by updates

here are some specific examples of how the command line is more efficient, powerful, flexible, and versatile than the gui:

  • efficiency: a system administrator can use the command line to quickly and easily check the status of all servers on a network, while using the gui would require opening multiple windows and clicking through various menus.
  • power: a software developer can use the command line to compile and run code, while using the gui would require using a separate ide.
  • flexibility: a user can use the command line to connect to a remote server, while using the gui would require a dedicated vpn client.
  • versatility: a user can use the command line to automate tasks, create custom scripts, and manage files and directories, while using the gui would require using a variety of different tools.

the command line is a more efficient, powerful, flexible, and versatile way to interact with computer systems than the gui.