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command line sutra practice

maintain this site

  • these are my notes on maintaining this site
  • this site uses mkdocs + mike + commitizen
  • I am using the main branch named 2024 alias latest
  • or checkout other versions to update previous years
  • each has their own workflow page
  • deploy changes to 2024 using this script:
# for manual one offs
# ./utils/
mike list
mike deploy 2024 latest
# optional add push
mike deploy 2024 latest --push
mike serve

adding new versions

  • create a new branch 2025
  • touch .placeholder
  • mike deploy 2025 latest --push
  • mike set-defaul 2025
  • to have a file to push to the remote
  • run git add . && cz c && git push origin 2022
  • no need to merge the branch but you could
  • do not delete it
  • you will checkout this branch to update it later

2023-12-17 added versioned docs