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william rees

  • ecological footprint comes from a realization when he was 8 years old living on a farm and realizing every bit of food on his plate had to come from somewhere and his hands took part in their cultivation
  • we have utopia on earth and we are letting global industry turn it into a dystopia
  • as a kid I did not live on a farm but lived near rural areas and we would do things like follow streams to their source and it is like finding the source of life and you see the micro biomes and farmland the streams cross and how the life changes and is a delicate system including the pollution kills life when the stream enters a town
  • he uses other terms that people have tried to censor
  • finite boundaries planetary boundaries etc.
  • he also gets into denial and pressure he overcame to become part of the problem and keep quiet about the solution and is getting to the root of the problem
  • his advice that sustainable energy means breeding draft horses and ox is spot on
  • evolution does eventually delete maladapted animals that try to live outside planetary boundaries
  • if we do not change our society structure in the future people living with global disaster will see his videos and question why the world lived in denial when someone was explaining it to them in plain english we will all be fools to future generations if we do not accept the reality
  • evolution created us to live in harmony with other life and we are allowing morons to destroy the natural world