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finding the right mentors

mentor qualities

  • reflective
  • fearless
  • capable of observing the most obvious things most often overlooked by society
  • can see through the false ego
  • succeeded with no regard for money or greed
  • classic
  • timeless
  • independant thought
  • see through the circumstantial
  • whatever they do it is flavored with their own style
  • live inside and outside reality


  • cormac mccarthy: gave up his rich upbringing and made it his #1 goal to not punch someone elses clock he lived on his terms and all of his works are on par with bach's chaconne his books are timeless and transcend quantum physics & reality & buddhism & anything that has crossed my path
  • thich nhat hahn: grew up in middle viet nam and taught how to overcome war not by taking a side but by destroying the hate in both sides using compassion and letting go of blame
  • martin luther king: when thich met him he explained they referred to him as a bodhisattva because he protested for human rights peacefully
  • frank zappa: early on his studio was raided and shut down by racist local authorities but he overcame them and carved his own path outside consumerism based fake music
  • william rees: defined ecological footprint this is as big of a realization as enlightenment imo - I grew up near rural areas and we would follow streams up to their source seeing creatures along the way like we were finding the source of life, I compare this to his connection to nature growing up on a farm and realizing humans depend on a large footprint of the ecosystem to sustain ourselves, we are the land, we are the earth water air sun soil bugs and everything between we need to cultivate life on earth and live in realistic boundaries

from the stoic people daily challenge deck

  • 2023-11-20
  • list 5 role models
  • analyze what makes them ideal
  • hard to pick only 5....
  • using nlp because I want to read it's more informed information
  • I'll review this again later, this might contain details I do not agree with
  • the nlp I use are very biased & manipulative especially compared to the early version

gotama siddhartha aka the buddha

Compassion and Kindness: The Buddha, also known as Gautama Siddhartha, is revered for his teachings on compassion and kindness. He serves as a role model for those seeking to cultivate empathy and benevolence toward all living beings.

Wisdom and Enlightenment: The Buddha's quest for wisdom and enlightenment is a source of inspiration. His journey from a life of luxury to the path of spiritual awakening underscores the importance of seeking profound truths and transcending worldly attachments.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Siddhartha's emphasis on mindfulness and meditation as tools for self-discovery and inner peace can inspire individuals to incorporate these practices into their own lives, promoting mental well-being and self-awareness.

Middle Way: The Buddha's advocacy for the Middle Way, avoiding extremes and finding balance in all aspects of life, offers valuable guidance for those seeking a harmonious and moderate approach to challenges and desires.

Universal Truths: The Buddha's teachings encompass universal truths about suffering, impermanence, and the path to liberation. His insights into the nature of existence continue to resonate with individuals seeking a deeper understanding of life.

Wei Chueh

  • founder of chung tai & the chung tai museum & schools & temples worldwide, etc.
  • also trained in confuscianism

  • Wisdom and Spiritual Insight:

  • A spiritual leader is often admired for their depth of wisdom and spiritual insight. If Wei Chueh is known for providing profound teachings that guide individuals toward a deeper understanding of life and self, this quality could make him an ideal role model.

  • Compassion and Altruism:

  • The embodiment of compassion and a commitment to altruistic actions are often valued in spiritual leaders. If Wei Chueh is recognized for his compassion towards others and dedication to making a positive impact on the well-being of individuals and communities, this quality could be inspiring.

  • Guidance on Ethical Living:

  • Spiritual leaders often serve as guides for ethical living. If Wei Chueh provides practical guidance on how to lead a virtuous and ethical life, individuals seeking moral and ethical direction may find him to be an ideal role model.

  • Humility and Humbleness:

  • Humility is a quality that is often appreciated in spiritual leaders. If Wei Chueh demonstrates humility, acknowledging his own imperfections and limitations, this can resonate with individuals seeking leaders who lead with a sense of humility and humbleness.

  • Commitment to Peace and Harmony:

  • Leaders who actively promote peace, harmony, and unity within their communities and beyond are often admired. If Wei Chueh has a demonstrated commitment to fostering a sense of peace and harmony, this quality could make him an ideal role model for those seeking a more tranquil and harmonious way of life.

cormac mccarthy

  1. Commitment to Craft:
  2. McCarthy is renowned for his dedication to the craft of writing. His meticulous attention to language, detail, and storytelling sets him apart. As a role model, McCarthy's commitment to honing his skills and producing high-quality work can inspire aspiring writers and individuals in any field to pursue excellence.

  3. Fearless Exploration of Themes:

  4. McCarthy fearlessly explores complex and often dark themes in his novels, addressing existential questions, morality, and the human condition. His willingness to tackle challenging subjects with depth and nuance can be seen as a model for courage and intellectual exploration.

  5. Independence of Thought:

  6. McCarthy's writing reflects a strong individual voice and a willingness to break away from conventional norms. As a role model, his independence of thought encourages others to think critically, question assumptions, and express themselves authentically, even if it means diverging from mainstream perspectives.

  7. Environmental Stewardship:

  8. In works like "The Road," McCarthy explores themes of environmental devastation. His portrayal of a desolate world prompts reflection on humanity's impact on the environment. For those concerned with environmental issues, McCarthy's work can serve as a reminder of the importance of ecological stewardship.

  9. Minimalist Lifestyle:

  10. Known for his private and low-profile lifestyle, McCarthy is often cited as an example of a writer who values simplicity and does not seek the limelight. For those who appreciate a more minimalistic approach to life, McCarthy's personal choices may be seen as an ideal of living in alignment with one's values rather than societal expectations.

frank zappa

Frank Zappa, the American musician, composer, and satirist, was known for his unconventional approach to music, his outspoken views on artistic freedom, and his unique perspective on life.

  1. Individuality and Nonconformity:
  2. Zappa was a staunch advocate for individuality and artistic freedom. He encouraged musicians to embrace their uniqueness and resist conforming to commercial or societal expectations. As a role model, Zappa exemplifies the importance of staying true to oneself and expressing individuality.

  3. Musical Innovation and Creativity:

  4. Zappa was a highly innovative and experimental musician, blending various genres and styles in his compositions. His commitment to pushing musical boundaries can inspire others to embrace creativity, explore new ideas, and challenge traditional norms in their respective fields.

  5. Critical Thinking and Satire:

  6. Zappa's lyrics often featured satirical commentary on politics, society, and the music industry. His use of satire and wit encouraged critical thinking and a questioning of authority. As a role model, Zappa may inspire individuals to engage in thoughtful analysis and express their perspectives with intelligence and humor.

  7. Work Ethic and Discipline:

  8. Zappa was known for his intense work ethic and disciplined approach to music composition. Despite facing challenges in the music industry, he maintained a prolific output of albums throughout his career. His dedication to his craft can serve as a model for those aspiring to achieve excellence through hard work and discipline.

  9. Courage to Challenge Norms:

  10. Zappa was unafraid to challenge societal norms and speak out against censorship and restrictions on artistic expression. His courage in the face of controversy reflects a commitment to principles of free speech and artistic integrity. As a role model, Zappa may inspire others to stand up for their beliefs and challenge oppressive systems.

Frank Zappa's studio was raided further motivating him to become a free speech advocate, The Utility Muffin Research Kitchen (UMRK), in 1985 by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Secret Service. The raid was a setup creating an investigation into alleged obscenity and child pornography, prompted by the explicit content of some of Zappa's music and the fact he worked with minorities in a racist community.

In summary:

  • The raid on UMRK was a result of the explicit lyrics in Zappa's music, particularly the album "Jazz from Hell." Authorities were concerned about potential obscenity violations.

  • The investigation also focused on the visual art included in Zappa's album "Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention," which featured a parody of the Washington, D.C. PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) warning sticker.

  • The raid included the confiscation of tapes, film, and other materials from Zappa's studio.

  • Frank Zappa responded to the incident by becoming an outspoken advocate for artistic freedom and against censorship. He argued that the raid violated his First Amendment rights.

  • Zappa's motivation following the raid was to defend not only his own work but also the broader principle of free expression in music. He testified before the U.S. Senate against censorship and the labeling of explicit content in music.

  • The experience of the raid and subsequent legal battles reinforced Zappa's commitment to challenging authority and defending creative freedom. It further fueled his activism in the fight against censorship in the music industry.

In the aftermath, Zappa continued to use his platform to criticize censorship and advocate for musicians' rights. The incident became a significant chapter in Zappa's legacy as an artist who fiercely defended freedom of expression in music.

charles bukowski

Charles Bukowski, the American writer and poet, is known for his raw and unfiltered depictions of life, often exploring themes of alcoholism, poverty, and the gritty realities of urban existence.

  1. Authenticity and Honesty:
  2. Bukowski's writing is characterized by its brutal honesty and authenticity. He didn't shy away from portraying the less glamorous aspects of life. As a role model, he might inspire individuals to be true to themselves, embrace their imperfections, and express their thoughts and experiences without pretense.

  3. Persistence and Resilience:

  4. Bukowski faced numerous challenges, including a difficult upbringing and years of struggling as a writer before gaining recognition. His persistence in pursuing his passion despite setbacks can be seen as an example of resilience and determination, encouraging others not to give up on their dreams.

  5. Individualism and Nonconformity:

  6. Bukowski was known for his rejection of societal norms and his embrace of a nonconformist lifestyle. He lived on the fringes of society, challenging conventional expectations. For those who value individualism and independence, Bukowski might be seen as a model of someone who lived life on his terms.

  7. Observational Insight:

  8. Bukowski had a keen observational eye, capturing the essence of everyday life in his writings. His ability to distill profound observations from mundane experiences can inspire others to cultivate a deeper awareness of their surroundings and find meaning in the ordinary.

  9. Artistic Expression and Passion:

  10. Bukowski's dedication to writing and his passion for the craft are evident in his prolific output of poems, novels, and short stories. As a role model, he might encourage aspiring artists to pursue their creative passions with intensity and commitment, regardless of external challenges.

other role models or mentors

  • men who lived true to worthy old ways or traditions
  • free thinkers
  • lived natural or independent or minimalis lives
  • richard proenneke
  • chuck palaniuk
  • bill hicks
  • george carlin
  • bach
  • aaron swartz
  • ran prieur